It is time for a change. Our enemies cannot be the ones who control the worlds energy source. We need to let go of old ways and grab hold of new technologies that will allow us to fuel ourselves and employ Americans to do it! Read this article and then look at this one. When we free ourselves from the chains that bind us to countries full of people who hate Americans, we can only be better off...

Hey look at this article that explains why corn is not a good savings or efficient enough to work http://zfacts.com/p/60.html
However, sugar based ethanol like they have in Brazil is the way to go... but they pay more per gallon than we do for gas! I don't know if it's because their dollar has less worth than ours or what...
Anyway, if we could take all the money from the Middle East, that would solve a lot of problems. They would have to become part of the world community.
And another thing, go suns.
"Anyway, if we could take all the money from the Middle East, that would solve a lot of problems. They would have to become part of the world community."
wtf? I think GWB has pretty much established that the whole imperialism thing doesn't really work. We could solve a lot of problems if we didn't invade sovereign nations and kill lots of innocent men, women and children. In other words, we are not a good member of the world community right now. I am just sayin . . .
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