I say "Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads!"
Leave the world to its own devices. The only reason we deal with the rest of the world anyway is to make money off of them. We need to buckle down and take care of the people here in the USA.
It seems a strange coincidence (I don't actually believe in coincidences) that my last post was regarding the terrible thing that happened in America during the Reagan administration, the killing of John Lennon, who was a man the government was afraid could give backbone and a voice to those who disagreed with our world policies. Now, we have Bush and his administration at least, going to war in Iraq under false pretenses, and at most, creating the whole 9/11 abomination as an excuse to tackle anything they declared to be terrorist or supporting terrorists. I am just sick to my fucking stomach every day I read the new news...what is going to happen next? When do we start to be honest with ourselves, the United States, with a government for the people and by the people. What fucking people? The rich motherfucking bastards that benefitted from the beginning and who refuse to let go for the next generation of humans. The world that my children are going to live in will be much better than the world that I grew up in believing what was taught to me. I am glad that now when my kids ask questions, they will have access to the truth, or at least many different versions of what may be true and not just take what the American government gives them through school and the media. Now the media is bugging me too here in America. Back in the beginning of the war in Iraq, I remember hearing Tony Blair talking to his parliament about wanting to get more of the rebuilding dollars to companies in the UK. I NEVER HEARD ANYTHING ABOUT MONEY OVER HERE IN AMERICA. THAT IS BECAUSE HALLIBUTON DIDN'T WANT US TO THINK THAT ANYONE STOOD TO MAKE MONEY ON THIS FUCKING WAR. I am ready for a change and cannot imagine waiting another 3 years for this bitch bastard George W. Bush to end his term in office. It is time to impeach this lying sack of shit and replace him with someone who cares about more than money. FUCK YOU GEORGE BUSH AND FUCK YOU DICK CHENEY!!! (a couple of whining pussies) Have fun in Hell, and when you get there be sure and brag to the devil how you deceived an entire country into a war that was only for MONEY.
(click the title link re: Isolationism)
(also see this: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html)
(one more: http://911research.wtc7.net)

My psychologist recommends throwing darts at people I hate to deal with my anger. On the other hand, a blog works just fine too. Good post. Just watch out for the Secret Service at your door because you are now officially subsersive.
For your own health, I beg you to tone down your rage to at least a boiling cauldron of anger!
I understand that you have disagreements with Bush (to put it lightly!!), but you must realize that the seething hatred you are carrying inside you will only rot your soul. Why let ANYONE do that to you? I learned during 8 years of Clinton that my personal life is rarely affected by who is in the White House -- UNLESS I let myself become obsessed with anger over political issues like the puppet they want us to be.
I am not an idiot, a whining pussy, or an evil war monger... and yet I disagree with most of what you said on this post. I think that alone should make you be a little more open minded.
You can't let yourself get poisoned over stuff we don't even know (yet). Was the WMD intelligence wrong or a lie? And if our government really was behind 9/11, you know that there must be Democrats involved too --- so where does that leave you? Hating Bush but being ok with the other demons that would actually attack their own country?
I agree with you 100% on Isolationism. Lots of people on the right, like me, want more isolationism and see Bush's love of Mexico and unlimited free trade as an enemy to it. But we find no support on the other side. The Democrats love of the U.N.'s international law and the leftists on the Supreme Court citing laws of other countries is hardly isolationist.
Who does that leave? Pat Buchanan, that's who!! He is the king of Isolationism. I don't see you voting for him 2008! How about a Buchanan / Gingrich ticket! ha ha!
You see? There is middle ground for people like us, but the Air America / Rush Limbaugh stuff gets in the way if you let it get in your heart or cloud your mind.
Reagan was elected in November 1980 and took office the end of January 1981. That means Carter was still president when Lennon was killed... But I don't know what difference that made to Mark David Chapman -- unless he was so warped with hatred for Republicans, that the 1980 election drove him over the edge and he murdered Lennon. Don't let that happen to you!
Alright John, I will admit to having been done with this blog when there was only one line of text..."Fuck 'em and feed 'em fish heads". But then I drank a few, and a few more, mooseheads and had to come back and shoot my mouth off. I really think that we would have been better off had the jet planes hit the White House, hopefully with George and his puppet master Dick in it, and hit the house of representatives and the congress all at once. While I do not really advocate this action at all, that would have forced us to replaced the current fucked up leadership with some new leadership, hopefully less fucked up than the last one... Ok, I have been talking too much. Later buddy! : )
If you shut your selves off from the rest of the world imagine what we (the rest of the world) could do to you. Why else do you think Communist China has begun opening its borders to trade? It's not just for the money, nor so they can more easily infiltrate other nations but for the protecting and peaceful resolutions that can be found through trade.
Capitalism may be morally wrong, but is the only language the global leaders truly understand, for what else does a nations leadership have most in common with another’s but money? (and wanting more of it)
Every nation has had it's troubled past, the 21st century is merely the US's turn. Europe and Asian issues dominated the 20th (who could forget those two massive 'World Wars') maybe next century it will be the flooded Pacific countries rising up to seek vergence upon the developed nations for their global destroying actions.
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