If you don't want to read the whole article, here is a link to the artists rendering of recently discovered process of a black hole creation...
if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off
My brother just left today in a roundabout way back to the east coast. I was a good experience~! Here are a couple of the trippy websites that he showed my whilst he was here...
http://www.complexification.net/ Complexification is a little like tripping but without the LySergic acid Diethylamide. (where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies) (Molecular Model of LSD)
This one is not so trippy but thought I'd add it here due to lack of recent blog posts due to being busy with the family and shit like that!
http://www.neave.com/ Just a well made site with some cool classic games on one of its links...
Allright, I am outta here. I hear a Heineken calling my name!!!
I also need a cooler like this...
What was to follow was the worst devastation that the world had yet to see. Unfortuantely the Japanese Military refused to concede so 'Fat Man' was dropped on Nagasaki 3 days later.
Thankfully the day before my mother was born, Japan surrendered and this ended the 2nd world war but regrettably left Japan with wounds, that on a personal level to millions, will never heal. I pray that a bomb like this will never be used on anyone ever again.
In other news, my vacation comes on the last week of our current contract at work. I do not know until Sunday of next week if we are going on strike or not. I hope we do not as you don't get paid as you strike. I have signed up for strike duty though as we need to stand together to retain the wages we earn and our benefits.
Lastly...well nevermind, it's late and I am gonna go crash so that I will not be a grumpy boy tomorrow with the entire crew on hand!
Be Friendly!